Shida Kartli after the August 2008 War: Challenges and Solutions13.08.2012

ate: December 2009    
Title: Shida Kartli after the August 2008 War: Challenges and Solutions 
Author: Erekle Urushadze, CIPDD  
Donor: The paper is published with financial support of the Think Tank Fund of the Open Society Institute - Budapest. The opinions it contains are solely those of the author and do not reflect the position of the OSI TTF.  
Pages: (Georgian), 9 (English)

                                                                         Shida Kartli    PDF

Executive Summary

The August 2008 Russian-Georgian war had a major impact on the Georgian region of Shida Kartli¹, adjacent to South Ossetia, the main theatre of war operations. Given that for about two months after the war a large part of this region constituted a buffer zone controlled by Russian troops, much of its population fled. A large majority of residents have since returned to their native villages, though the security situation remains precarious and frequent abductions represent a major challenge, adding to the general sense of insecurity. The economic and social situation in Shida Kartli deteriorated considerably as a result of the war, as local residents have had to cope with the loss of homes, transport, livestock and agricultural equipment. There appears to be a general confusion and discontent among the locals regarding the volume of government aid, while IDPs from South Ossetia, who live in special settlements built in Shida Kartli, face a number of significant problems, including the lack of access to information.

The Georgian government, NGOs and international actors have conducted various activities in the region since the end of hostilities and have taken some important steps in order to solve the problems of local residents and IDPs and to prevent a new conflict. However, further measures are required in order to address the existing political, security, economic and social challenges of Shida Kartli. This report examines these challenges and offers a number of recommendations for the actors operating in the region.

International actors interested in preserving peace and stability in Georgia are advised to assist the Georgian government in devising effective security arrangements for the population of Shida Kartli, while the government itself should examine the economic and social needs of the local residents more closely. Meanwhile, nongovernmental organizations could undertake to provide IDPs with a better access to information.

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