სამხრეთ კავკასიის სამი ქვეყნის საგარეო პოლიტიკა და პრაქტიკა გლობალურ სივრცეში...04.08.2016

                               by Leila Alieva, Tamar Pataraia and Ivane Kechakmadze

The paper was produced in the framework of the Project of the Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development Foreign Policy and Practice on Global Arena of Three South Caucasus States: the Evidence from Voting in the UN General Assembly’ in partnership with the Regional Center for Strategic Studies (Georgia).
The project is supported by the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation and Robert Bosch Stiftung The aim of the project is to identify prospects of cooperation between the three South Caucasus states in the area of foreign and security policy through fostering open debates between experts and academicians from the three states concerning the foreign policy decision making practice of these countries in the framework of international organizations of global and regional coverage – UN and the EU.
The paper expores specifics of foreign and security policy of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia as well as their commitments to human rights values through analyzing the voting record of the states on resolutions at the UN General Assembly Sessions during 1998-2013; also, examines South Caucasus states’ practice in regards with the alignment with EU Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) Declarations during 2008-2014 that they were invited to support since 2008.
During the research the results of the analysis of long-term statistical data from the UN GA voting records were examined and compared with that of other neighbor states and other nations with economic and political interests in the South Cacasus region.
The paper presents a statistical analysis of a database of votes recorded by the committees at the UN GA. For this paper, 936 votes have been collected and analyzed, covering 13 years out of a 16-year period, from the UN Session #53 in 1998 to #69 in 2014.
The database covered the recorded votes of 19 countries, including the South Caucasus states, their neighbours and countries that have close ties with them: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, France, Islamic Republic of Iran, Italy, Germany, Georgia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ukraine and the US
The public discussions were promoted around research outcomes, an International Seminar/Workshop was organized and regional academicians, experts from all three regional states will be invited. In sum 6 participants were invited from Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Three policy reports were presented and discussed during the regional international conference of The publication has been produced by Zurab Cherkezishvili, publisher. Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development. The content of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Caucasus Institute for Peace Democracy and Development and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation and Robert Bosch Stiftung. The authors bear sole responsibility for the views and arguments expressed in the final paper.

About the authors:

Leila Alieva
is the president of the Regional Center for Strategic Studies and the academic visitor of St. Antony’s College in University of Oxford.

Tamar Pataraia is the head of the European and Euro-Atlantic Co-operation Program at the Caucasian Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development (CIPDD), Tbilisi, Georgia.

Ivane Kechakmadze, the statistical analyst, is an invited lecturer in statistics at Ilia State University and Ivane Javakhishvili State University

© Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development/CIPDD, June 2016 72 Tsereteli Ave., Tbilisi 0154

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