How to get a visa to the EU? – debate and presentation of the information brochure21.10.2014

23rd October 2014, 12:15 Open Society Georgia Foundation’s conference room, Chovelidze 10, Tbilisi Georgians face highest refusal rate in visa application process among all six Eastern Partnership countries. Why? Mostly due to complicated procedures and unclear instructions people lodge incomplete or badly prepared applications, what cause in visa refusal. Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development (CIPDD) and Polish Stefan Batory Foundation (SBF) in partnership with the Open Society Georgia Foundation organize a panel discussion to talk about main problems faced by Georgians when applying for a visa and to present a “How to get a visa?” brochure, explaining visa procedures in simple language. Presentation of the “How to get a visa?” brochure is a part of Europe-wide campaign executed by the Visa-free Europe Coalition with the aim to raise awareness of visa applicants in Eastern Partnership countries about visa procedures. 

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